
Our retail-ready 2-way radios are the go-to brick and mortar store game changer. Communicate instantly with your teammates and never hunt for anyone again! Any retail store can benefit from walkie-talkies and improve efficiency, productivity, and the bottom line. These devices save companies all over the country hours of labor every day, adding up to hundreds or thousands of hours a year. Your team can wear a discreet earpiece and get answers for customers or answers pertaining to their tasks without taking a single step or interrupting their workflow. With the additon of our semi-custom silicone earmold to your earpiece you will forget you are even wearing it, the soft earmold easily allows up to 12 hours of comfort. The best part? It does not plug the ear canal, they can hear everything around them and continue to serve customers, only with a more efficient method of obtaining information. Impressing customers means more business! Elevate your retail store operations today by putting an instant communication system in place!